Earn money from any location With Your Phone.

No experience needed, learn from someone who has been an online entrepreneur for over 15 years.

Ontdek hoe je met Alleen je telefoon geld kan verdienen

geen ervaring nodig, leer van iemand die al meer dan 15 jaar online onderneemt

UgcFounder Freedom Programma

Learn how to earn money using jus your phone by joining our exclusive UgcFounder Freedom Program.

Discover the power of User Generated Content (UGC) & Product Videos and learn how to use them to generate an income, independent of location.

With practical strategies and innovative mobile technologies, we show you how to achieve financial freedom and earn money from anywhere in the world.

New and unique business model

Lifetime access to the UgcFounder Training

The only UGC training with its own UGC Marketplace

UgcFounder Freedom Programma

Leer hoe je geld kunt verdienen met alleen je telefoon door deel te nemen aan ons exclusieve UgcFounder programma.

Ontdek de kracht van User Generated Content (UGC) & Productvideo's en leer hoe je deze kunt gebruiken om locatie onafhankelijk een online inkomen te genereren.

Met praktische strategieën en innovatieve mobiele technologieën laten we je zien hoe je financiële vrijheid kunt bereiken en overal ter wereld geld kunt verdienen.

Nieuw en uniek in Nederland & België

Levenslang toegang tot de UgcFounder Training

Enige Nederlandse training over UGC

Everyone can earn money with UGC!

Earning money with UGC is possible for everyone. It doesn't require special skills or experience. With the right guidance and strategies, anyone can use their creativity to create valuable content and earn money from it.

Start with UGC

Would you like to earn extra money? With this business model, you can make videos for companies without showing your face, and these companies pay hundreds of euros for them.

Iedereen kan geld

verdienen met UGC!

Geld verdienen met UGC is voor iedereen mogelijk. Het vereist geen speciale vaardigheden of ervaring. Met de juiste begeleiding en strategieën kan iedereen zijn creativiteit gebruiken om waardevolle content te maken en hier geld mee verdienen.

Beginnen met UGC

Zou je extra geld willen verdienen? Met dit business model kan je zelfs zonder je gezicht te laten zien, videos maken voor bedrijven die hier honderden euro's voor betalen.

Wist je dat om geld te verdienen met UGC...

You don't need office space; you can work from home or anywhere else.

You don't need expensive programs or software to get started.

You don't need a large budget to start.

You don't need advanced editing skills; simple editing is sufficient.

You don't need specific prior knowledge; anyone can do this!

You don't need expensive equipment; a smartphone is enough.

You can start earning money within a week, and you even get paid in advance!

You don't need a large team; you can work independently.

You can do this from anywhere, even under a palm tree abroad.

We offer a success guarantee, so there's zero risk.

Wist je dat om geld te verdienen met UGC...

Je geen kantoorruimte nodig hebt; je kunt vanuit huis of waar dan ook werken.

Je geen dure programma's of software nodig hebt om te starten

Je geen groot budget nodig hebt om te beginnen

Je geen geavanceerde editing skills nodig hebt; eenvoudige bewerkingen volstaan

Je geen specifieke voorkennis nodig hebt; echt Iedereen kan dit doen!

Je geen dure apparatuur nodig hebt; een smartphone is voldoende

Je binnen een week al geld kunt verdienen, je krijgt zelfs vooraf betaald!

Je geen groot team nodig hebt; je kunt zelfstandig aan de slag

Je dit overal vandaan kunt doen, zelfs onder een palmboom in het buitenland

Wij een succes garantie geven, dus nul risico

Mike Yuen - Online ondernemer sinds 2007

Mike Yuen (40) has been a successful online entrepreneur for many years. Mike started his entrepreneurship journey in 2007 and has founded multiple successful international online brands.

In addition to his own brands, Mike has helped over 300 other entrepreneurs build an online business.

While running his brands and assisting other entrepreneurs, he realized that there is a high demand for UGC creators, and there is very little supply in Europe.

With this idea in mind, he delved deeper into this earning model and learned everything about it. As an experienced e-commerce entrepreneur, he also knows exactly how to create the right UGC content for brands.

With this training, he and his team aim to help you become a successful UGC creator by providing you with the necessary knowledge, strategies, and guidance.

Mike Yuen - Online ondernemer sinds 2007

Mike Yuen (40) is al jaren lang een succesvolle online ondernemer. Mike begon in 2007 al met ondernemen en heeft meerder succesvolle internationale online brands opgericht.

Naast zijn eigen brands heeft Mike meer dan 300 andere ondernemers geholpen met het bouwen van een online business.

Tijdens het runnen van zijn brands en het helpen van andere ondernemers kwam hij erachter dat er veel vraag is naar UGC-creators en dat er in Europa heel weinig aanbod is.

Met deze gedachte is hij dieper in dit verdienmodel gaan kijken en heeft hij er alles over geleerd. Als ervaren e-commerce ondernemer weet hij ook precies hoe je de juiste Ugc content maakt voor brands.

Met deze training wil hij met zijn team jou helpen om een succesvolle UGC-creator te worden door je de nodige kennis, strategieën en begeleiding te bieden.

Our Guarantees

(dus Geen risico)

Result Guarantee

We guarantee that you will achieve results with the UgcFounder program, provided you apply the strategies and techniques you've learned.

If you don't see positive results during the program, we offer additional guidance and support until you've at least earned back your investment and made extra profit.

Support Guarantee

We offer unlimited support during and after the training. Do you have questions, need advice, or encounter any challenges?

Our team is always ready to assist you and ensure your success as a UGC creator.

Money-Back Guarantee

We offer a money-back guarantee for the UgcFounder program.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with the program, according to our terms, you will receive a refund.

Onze Garanties

(dus Geen risico)


We garanderen dat je resultaten zult behalen met het UgcFounder programma, mits je de geleerde strategieën en technieken toepast.

Als je tijdens het progrmaa geen positieve resultaten ziet, bieden we net zo lang extra begeleiding en ondersteuning tot je minimaal de investering terug hebt verdiend en extra winst.

Ondersteunings garantie

We bieden onbeperkte ondersteuning tijdens en na de training. Heb je vragen, behoefte aan advies of loop je ergens tegenaan?

Ons team staat altijd klaar om je te helpen en jouw succes als UGC-creator te waarborgen.

Niet goed geld terug garantie

We bieden een niet goed geld terug garantie voor het UgcFounder programma.

Mocht je om welke reden dan ook niet tevreden zijn met het programma, dan volgens onze voorwaarden je geld terug krijgen.

Training Modules:

Module 1: Introductie

Module 3: Algemene voorbereiding

Module 5: Affiliate

Module 7: Portfolio

Module 9: Timeblocking

Module 11: Contracten

Module 13: Content bedenken

Module 15: De perfecte video

Module 17: Unieke editing

Module 19: Vind werkgevers

Module 21: Werken met bedrijven

Module 23: Case studie

Module 25: Next Level UGC

Module 27: Social media manager

Module 2: Mindset

Module 4: UGC introductie

Module 6: Niche markt kiezen

Module 8: Social media

Module 10: Prijzen

Module 12: Tools voor UGC content

Module 14: Content proces

Module 16: Perfecte afbeelding

Module 18: Video data research

Module 20: Koude marketing

Module 22: Grootste problemen

Module 24: Algoritme social media

Module 26: Influencers

Module 28: Advertentie master

Training Modules:

Module 1: Introductie

Module 2: Mindset

Module 3: Algemene voorbereiding

Module 4: UGC introductie

Module 5: Affiliate

Module 6: Niche markt kiezen

Module 7: Portfolio

Module 8: Social media

Module 9: Timeblocking

Module 10: Prijzen

Module 11: Contracten

Module 12: Tools voor UGC content

Module 13: Content bedenken

Module 14: Content proces

Module 15: De perfecte video

Module 16: Perfecte afbeelding

Module 17: Unieke editing

Module 18: Video data research

Module 19: Vind werkgevers

Module 20: Koude marketing

Module 21: Werken met bedrijven

Module 22: Grootste problemen

Module 23: Case studie

Module 24: Algoritme social media

Module 25: Next Level UGC

Module 26: Influencers

Module 27: Social media manager

Module 28: Advertentie master

Meld je vandaag aan en ontvang

gratis deze exclusieve bonussen!

Bonus #1

Luxury UgcFounder Giftbox (valued at $349)

Luxury UgcFounder Giftbox
(First 50 registrations only)

Now, for a limited time, receive a free luxury gift box (valued at $349).

As an extra bonus, when you enroll in the UgcFounder Freedom program, you'll receive an exclusive gift box valued at a whopping 349 dollars!

This gift box is packed with useful tools and accessories that can assist you in creating outstanding UGC content.

We've carefully curated a selection of products that you need to get started right away.

Bonus #2

40 Additional Coaching Sessions (valued at $997)

Normally, this is a 3-month program, but during the launch, we are temporarily offering 1 YEAR of weekly coaching!

These sessions provide a valuable opportunity to ask your questions, receive feedback, and learn from industry experts.

The coaching sessions are not mandatory, but they are there to assist you.

Whether you have specific questions, want feedback on your work, or just need inspiration, these sessions provide a platform for direct interaction with experienced professionals.

It's a place where you can turn to with all your questions and where you can gain valuable insights and advice to help brands generate more revenue with your UGC creation.

Bonus #3


Immediate access to the UGCFOUNDER community.

In the UGCFOUNDER community, you can network with other participants, ask questions, share experiences, and support each other.

It's a vibrant community where you can learn from others, forge new collaborations, and build valuable connections within the UGC industry.

It's more than just a place to share information; it's a place where you'll be motivated and can grow as a UGC creator.

Together with like-minded individuals, you can encourage, challenge, and inspire each other to bring out the best in yourselves and take your UGC creation to new heights.

Bonus #4

Pitch, Portfolio, and Video Framework Templates (valued at $199)

In the UgcFounder Freedom training, you will receive valuable pitch and portfolio templates designed specifically to assist you in presenting your UGC creation to potential collaborators and clients.

These templates give you a professional appearance and help you effectively present yourself.

With the pitch templates, you can convincingly present your UGC concept, inspiring and engaging others in your creative projects.

Additionally, the portfolio templates provide you with a structured and professional way to showcase your previous UGC work, which is invaluable in attracting new opportunities and collaborations.

The video framework templates ensure that your content truly works. Mike, drawing from his Ecom expertise, has developed unique copy/paste frameworks that convert for brands.

This bonus helps you stand out in the UGC market and make a strong impression on potential partners and clients.

Extra Bonus #5

Engagement group (valued at $97)

Access to our exclusive Social Media engagement group (valued at $97)

As a participant in the UgcFounder program, you get access to our exclusive engagement group.

In this group, we encourage each other to discover, support, and engage with each other's content, effectively hacking the algorithm and boosting each other.

By actively participating in this group, we build a tight-knit community where we inspire and assist each other in making even more impact with our UGC content.

Meld je vandaag aan en ontvang gratis deze exclusieve bonussen!

Bonus #1


Nu tijdelijk een luxe giftbox (t.w.v. €349)

Als extraatje ontvang je bij het UgcFounder programma een exclusieve giftbox ter waarde van maar liefst 349 euro.

Deze giftbox zit boordevol handige tools en accessoires die je kunnen helpen bij het creëren van geweldige UGC-content.

We hebben zorgvuldig een selectie gemaakt van producten die je nodig hebt om direct aan de slag te kunnen.

Bonus #2

274 Extra Coaching Sessies (t.w.v. €997)

Normaal is dit een 3 maanden traject, maar tijdens de lanceren geven we tijdelijk 1 JAAR wekelijke coaching!

Deze sessies bieden een waardevolle gelegenheid om jouw vragen te stellen, feedback te ontvangen en te leren van experts in de branche.

De coaching sessies zijn niet verplicht, maar ze zijn er om jou te helpen.

Of je nu specifieke vragen hebt, feedback wilt ontvangen op je werk of gewoon inspiratie nodig hebt, deze sessies bieden een platform waarop je directe interactie hebt met ervaren professionals.

Het is een plek waar je terecht kunt met al je vragen en waar je waardevolle inzichten en advies kunt krijgen om jouw UGC-creatie verder te verbeteren.

Bonus #3


Direct toegang tot de UGCFOUNDER community.

In de UGCFOUNDER community kun je netwerken met andere deelnemers, vragen stellen, ervaringen delen en elkaar ondersteunen.

Het is een levendige gemeenschap waarin je kunt leren van anderen, nieuwe samenwerkingen kunt aangaan en waardevolle connecties kunt opbouwen binnen de UGC-industrie.

Het is meer dan alleen een plek om informatie te delen; het is een plek waar je gemotiveerd wordt en waar je kunt groeien als UGC-creator.

Samen met gelijkgestemde individuen kun je elkaar aanmoedigen, uitdagen en inspireren om het beste uit jezelf te halen en jouw UGC-creatie naar nieuwe hoogten te brengen.

Bonus #4

Pitch en Portfolio Templates (t.w.v. €199)

Bij de UGC-training ontvang je waardevolle pitch en portfolio templates die speciaal zijn ontworpen om jou te helpen bij het presenteren van jouw UGC-creatie aan potentiële samenwerkingspartners en klanten.

Deze templates geven je een professionele uitstraling en helpen je om jezelf effectief te presenteren.

Met de pitch templates kun je jouw UGC-concept overtuigend presenteren, zodat je anderen kunt inspireren en betrekken bij jouw creatieve projecten.

Daarnaast bieden de portfolio templates je een gestructureerde en professionele manier om jouw eerdere UGC-werk te presenteren, wat van onschatbare waarde is bij het aantrekken van nieuwe kansen en samenwerkingen.

Deze bonus helpt je om jezelf te onderscheiden in de UGC-markt en een sterke indruk te maken op potentiële partners en klanten.

Extra Bonus #5

Toegang tot onze exclusieve Instagram engagement groep (t.w.v. €249)

Als deelnemer van het UgcFounder programma krijg je toegang tot onze exclusieve engagement groep.

In deze groep moedigen we elkaar aan om elkaars content te ontdekken, te ondersteunen en erop te reageren, waardoor we samen het algoritme hacken en mekaar boosten.

Door actief deel te nemen aan deze groep, bouwen we een hechte community waarin we elkaar inspireren en helpen om nog meer impact te maken met onze UGC-content.

What's in the giftbox?


Selfie stick:

With this, you can easily capture stable and professional selfie videos.



Create professional 360-degree videos and provide your audience with an interactive experience.


Ring light:

Enhance the lighting of your videos and photos with this handy ring light, ensuring you're always in the spotlight.



To use for demo videos: Start creating demo videos right away with this specially selected product.


Product photo box with 6 colored backgrounds:

Create stunning product photos with this portable box and choose from various colored backgrounds to create the perfect setting.


Personalized card:

A personalized card with a discount code and an affiliate opportunity to invite a friend where you both receive a significant discount.

And More...

We have more in the box, but that's a surprise.

Wat zit er in de giftbox?


Selfie stick:

Hiermee kun je gemakkelijk stabiele en professionele selfie-video's opnemen.



Maak professionele 360-graden video's en geef jouw publiek een interactieve ervaring.



Verbeter de belichting van je video's en foto's met deze handige ringlamp, waardoor je altijd in de spotlight staat.



Om te gebruiken als demo video: Begin direct met het maken van demo video's met dit speciaal geselecteerde product.


Product photo box met 6 kleuren achtergrond:

Creëer prachtige productfoto's met deze draagbare box en kies uit verschillende kleuren achtergronden om de perfecte setting te creëren.


Persoonlijk kaartje:

Een persoonlijk kaartje met een kortingscode en een affiliate kans om een vriend/vriendin uit te nodigen waar jullie een enorme korting krijgen.

En meer.....

We hebben nog meer in de box maar dat is een verassing.

UgcFounder Lancering BONUSSEN

Luxury UgcFounder GIFTBOX (valued at $349)........................ FREE!

8 months ADDITIONAL coaching (valued at $1497)................. FREE!

Access to the UgcFounder PLATFORM (valued at $99).......... FREE!

UgcFounder student meetup (valued at $99)............................ FREE!

Pitch + Portfolio templates (valued at $99)................................ FREE!

Video framework templates (valued at $99).............................. FREE!

Online training videos + 3 months of coaching........................... $1497!

Total Value $3739

$1497 or in installments starting from $197.

UgcFounder Lancering BONUSSEN

8 maanden/ 274 EXTRA coachingsessies

(t.w.v. €1497) .................................. GRATIS!

Luxe UgcFouder GIFTBOX

(t.w.v. €349) ................................... GRATIS!

Toegang tot het UgcFounder PLATFORM

(t.w.v. €99) ...................................... GRATIS!

LIVE UgcFounder studenten meetup

(t.w.v. €99) ...................................... GRATIS!

Pitch templates

(t.w.v €99) ....................................... GRATIS!

Portfolio template

(t.w.v. €99) ...................................... GRATIS!

Online training video's + 3 maanden

coaching ........................................... €1497,-!

t.w.v €3739

€1.497,- of in termijnen vanaf €197,-

Can I make money with UGC even if I have no experience?

Absolutely! The beauty of UGC is that you don't need specific experience to make money with just your phone. The UgcFounder program is designed to guide you step by step, regardless of your level of experience. We'll teach you the essential skills and strategies you need to succeed as a UGC creator, even if you're completely new to this field.

How long does it take before I see results and start earning money?

The time to achieve results varies from person to person and depends on various factors such as your dedication, consistency, and the niche you're active in. Some participants start earning money within a week. The key is to apply the strategies you've learned. We provide ongoing support to assist you on your journey to success.

Do I need to invest in expensive equipment to create UGC content?

No, you don't need expensive equipment to create UGC content. You can create high-quality content with just a smartphone. We'll also provide you with tips and advice on how to be creative with limited resources. It's more about the quality of your ideas and the content of your UGC than the cost of equipment.

Is there guidance and support available during the UGC training?

Absolutely! We provide comprehensive guidance and support during the UGC training. You'll have access to our experienced trainers and a community of fellow participants where you can ask questions, share experiences, and motivate each other. We are always ready to assist you with any challenges or questions you may have during your UGC creation journey.

Is it possible to create UGC without showing my face?

Absolutely! UGC offers various possibilities, and you can be successful without showing your face. There are creative ways to create content without being personally recognizable if you prefer not to.

Can I create UGC content in my spare time, alongside my current job?

Absolutely! As a UGC creator, you have flexibility, and you can create content according to your available time and schedule. It doesn't take much time to create the content; they are generally short videos of around 20 seconds, for which you can sometimes charge hundreds of euros. Many UGC creators start their journey alongside their current jobs and gradually build it up. With the right planning and organization, you can create UGC content and pursue your passion even if you have limited time.

What about copyright and intellectual property when creating UGC content?

We will guide and advise you on copyrights and intellectual property when creating UGC content. It's important to be aware of the rules and guidelines so that you can create and share your content in a legal and ethical manner. We will also teach you how to protect your own creations and build valuable intellectual property.

Can I collaborate with brands and companies as a UGC creator?

Absolutely! UGC creators have the opportunity to collaborate with brands and companies.

We will provide you with strategies and tips on how to find valuable collaboration opportunities and approach brands. Additionally, we will guide you in building a professional and convincing media kit to showcase your value to potential partners. With the right approach and dedication, you can establish valuable partnerships and create new opportunities for your UGC creation.

Is there a community where I can network and learn from other UGC creators?

As a participant in the UGC training, you will have access to a vibrant and supportive community of fellow participants. This community is a valuable source of knowledge, inspiration, and networking opportunities. You can ask questions, share experiences, and learn from other UGC creators who are on the same journey. It's a great opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and motivate each other on the path to success as a UGC creator.

What are the future prospects for UGC, and how can I continue to grow in this industry?

The future of UGC is promising, as digital media and social platforms continue to grow. We will keep you updated on the latest trends and developments in the UGC industry so that you are always aware of new opportunities.

Additionally, we offer regular updates and additional training to sharpen your skills and support your growth as a UGC creator. We aim to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to constantly increase your success and continue to grow in this dynamic industry.

We also have a UgcFounder Pro program if you want to further your learning and earn more than €10k per month as a full-time Ugc creator.

Can I create UGC without a large budget?

Yes, you can definitely! To start, all you need is literally a mobile phone. UGC provides opportunities for organic growth and the natural spread of your content. We will teach you strategies and techniques to promote your UGC service at no cost. This includes optimizing your content and using social media. It's all about creativity and smart marketing approaches to increase the visibility of your content, even without incurring costs.

Can I cancel for free?

Yes, it is possible to cancel free of charge under certain conditions. To qualify for a free cancellation, you can contact us. We understand that making an investment in your future can be a big step, and we cover this risk through the guarantees we provide. We believe strongly in this business model and aim to assist and support you in earning it back. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to guide you on your path to success.

© Copyright 2023. UGCFOUNDER. All Rights Reserved.